​Busy Bees: 6 weeks - 2 years

The CEC Infant Toddler Program creates a warm, nurturing, and responsive atmosphere with dedicated staff through a Continuity Care model.
This serves as the foundation for children's healthy social, cognitive, and physical development.
CEC recognizes parents as the child's first and most influential teacher. Through respectful relationship, teachers and parents partner to understand the child's needs and development, and to individualize a daily care-giving schedule that best supports the child.
Teacher-to-child ratio: 1 teacher to 3 children​
There is a maximum of 16 children with 5 teachers in this room.
Busy Bees' Schedule
7:30 - Health Check / Free Play
8:30 - Inside Exploration / Diaper Check
9:00 - Bottle / Snacks
9:30 - Nap / Outdoor Activities
11:00 - Diaper Check / Singing and Moving
11:15 - Lunch and Bottle
12:00 - Diaper Check
12:15 - Nap
2:30 - Diaper Check / Bottle
2:45 - Stories and Playtime
4:00 - Diaper Check, Bottle, Free Play
6:00 - Site Closed